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- Accesorios para actuadores eléctricos
- Accesorios para actuadores neumáticos
- Actuadores eléctricos
- Actuadores eléctricos de cuarto de vuelta
- Actuadores eléctricos multivueltas
- Actuadores neumáticos
- Actuadores y variadores
- Bridas
- Cajas de cambios
- Calefacción por suelo radiante
- Coladores
- Electric Actuated Ball Valves
- Electric Actuated Butterfly Valves
- Electric Actuated Gate Valves
- Juntas de expansión
- Juntas de expansión de caucho
- Juntas de expansión Sylphon
- Mirillas
- Pneumatic Actuated Ball Valves
- Pneumatic Actuated Butterfly Valves
- Pneumatic Actuated Gate Valves
- Reguladores
- Rejillas de ventilación
- Trampas de condensado
- Trampas de vapor flotantes
- Trampas de vapor termodinámicas
- Válvula de compuerta de cuña de hierro fundido
- Válvulas de bola
- Válvulas de bola / Roscadas NPT/BSP
- Válvulas de bola compactas con brida
- Válvulas de bola con brida
- Válvulas de bola de acero inoxidable
- Válvulas de bola de latón
- Válvulas de bola para soldadura
- Válvulas de cierre
- Válvulas de cierre
- Válvulas de cierre con fuelle
- Válvulas de cierre de casquillos
- Válvulas de compuerta
- Válvulas de compuerta de cuchilla
- Válvulas de compuerta de cuña de acero inoxidable
- Válvulas de equilibrado con bridas
- Válvulas de equilibrio
- Válvulas de mariposa para agua
- Válvulas de retención
- Válvulas de retención de bola
- Válvulas de retención de elevación
- Válvulas de retención de resorte
- Válvulas de retención oscilantes
- Válvulas solenoides
- After-self regulators with pilot control Elephant PVA1-1313RR-F, diaphragm regulators, body - cast iron GGG40, disk - cast iron GGG40, seal - reinforced natural rubber, flanged connection
- Automatic balancing valve VBA0000E-T, body material - brass LS59-1, seal - EPDM, threaded
- Purgador de aire automático con brida Elephant sav-b6, material del cuerpo - fundición GGG50, junta - NBR
- Regulador de contrapresión Elephant PRB PSI232 de acción directa, fundición gris SCH20, con brida
- Válvula de retención de bola Elephant VCB1333N-T PSI232, material del cuerpo: fundición GGG50, junta: NBR, material de la bola: acero NBR, roscada
- Válvula de retención de bola Elephant PN16-NBR, material del cuerpo: fundición gris GGG50, material del elemento de cierre: fundición gris GGG50, junta: NBR
- Válvula de retención de bola Elephant PN16-NBR sin tapón de drenaje, material del cuerpo: hierro fundido GGG50, material del elemento de cierre: hierro fundido GGG50, junta: NBR
- Válvula de retención de bola Elephant VCB1414N-F PSI232, material del cuerpo: fundición GGG50, junta: NBR, acortada, con brida, sin tapón de drenaje
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-DA, with pneumatic distributor 4M310-08 24V, with LSU APL- 410N EX, with manual Doubler MON1-250-T26-ISO, with ATU
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL -210N, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL -410N EX, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL -210N, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL -410N EX, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic drive PA-DA, with pneumatic distributor 4M310-08 220V, with LSU APL- 410N EX, with manual Doubler MON1-250-T26-ISO, with ATU AF
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-210N
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-210N, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX, with ATU AFC200
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL-210N
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL-210N, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX, with ATU AFC200
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with GSV AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-210N
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with GSV AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL-210N
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-SA with return springs, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-10 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN15-40 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, manual DNbler MON1-250-T26-ISO, with ATU AFC20
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN15-40 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL- 210N, manual Doubler MON1-250-T26
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN15-40 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic drive PA-DA, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-210N, manual Doubler MON1-250-T26-ISO, with ATU AFC
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN15-40 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic drive PA-DA, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX , manual Doubler MON1-250-T26-ISO
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN15-40 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with pneumatic drive PA-DA, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with LSU APL-410N EX , manual Doubler MON1-250-T26-ISO, with ATU
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN15-40 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with double-acting PA-DA pneumatic actuator, with pneumatic distributor 4V320-08 220V, with manual DNbler MON1-250-T26-I
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar three-piece full bore flanged, body - stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator Elephant PA-DA and LSU APL-210N
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar three-piece full bore flanged, body - stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator Elephant PA-DA and LSU APL-410N EX
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar three-piece full bore flanged, body - stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator Elephant PA-DA and LSU APL-510N EX
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar three-piece full bore flanged, body - stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator Elephant PA-DA-105-1
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with double-acting pneumatic actuator PA-DA-105-1 and with electro-pneumatic rotary positioner YT-1000RSN no feedback
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, PTFE, with double-acting pneumatic actuator PA-DA-105-1 and with electro-pneumatic rotary positioner YT-1000RSN with feedback
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-DA-105-1 double acting, with pneumatic distributor 4M310-08 220V
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-DA-105-1 double acting, with pneumatic distributor 4M310-08 220V, with ATU AFC2000
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-DA-105-1 double acting, with pneumatic distributor 4M310-08 220V, with LSU APL-210N
- Ball valves Elephant BV3131P(3pc)-FP-F-ISO-H DN65-80 16 bar, three-piece full bore flanged, stainless steel SS304, seal - PTFE, with pneumatic actuator PA-DA-105-1 double acting, with pneumatic distributor 4M310-08 220V, with LSU APL-210N, with ATU AFC2
- Choosing the Right Shut-Off Valve for Salty Water Applications
- Solenoid Valves vs. Motorized Valves: Which One is Better?
- Top Solenoid Valve Problems and How Elephant Solves Them with Superior Design
- Celebrating the Incredible Women in Our Lives
- How to Choose a Valve for Municipal Engineering Systems
- The Ultimate Guide to Main Shut-Off Valves for Water: Types, Functions, Installation, Maintenance, and Benefits
- Kitchen Water Shut Off Valves: Types, Functions, Installation, Maintenance, and Benefits
- Check Valves: Types, Applications, Benefits, and Selection Criteria
- Through Knife Gate Valves: Design, Functionality, and Applications
- Chain-Operated Butterfly Valves: Design, Functionality, and Applications
- Water Butterfly Valves: Types, Applications, and Advantages
- Bellows Axial Compensators: Enhancing Piping System Resilience and Efficiency
- Understanding Bellows Axial Compensators: Design, Functionality, and Applications
- Understanding Knife Gate Valves: Design, Applications, and Benefits
- Cutting Through Complexity: The Comprehensive Guide to Knife Gate Valves
- ¡Les deseamos unos cálidos deseos navideños desde Valve Elephant!
- Energy Efficiency of Valves During the Winter Season: Challenges and Solutions
- Winter Conditions for Valves in Europe: Challenges and Solutions
- Shut-off valves: what they are and where they're used
- Check Valves: functions and types
- Motorized ball valves
- Pneumatically actuated valves: features and applications
- Gate valves unveiled: the unsung heroes of fluid control systems
- An in-depth look to ball valves
- Everything you wanted to know about gate valves
- Pneumatic actuators for valves: advantages
- How to choose electric actuators for valves?
- Uso de Equipamiento Moderno de Válvulas: La Clave para la Sostenibilidad y la Eficiencia de Costos
- Introducción a las válvulas de cierre
- Válvulas de cierre y control: elementos clave para el control de caudal en la industria
- ¿Se pueden utilizar válvulas de bola para controlar el flujo?
- Dominar la selección de actuadores eléctricos: la clave para un tratamiento eficiente del agua
- Principios de funcionamiento y aplicaciones de las válvulas neumáticas Elephant: un análisis comparativo
- Evaluación de riesgos y gestión de la fiabilidad en la selección de válvulas para sistemas de suministro de agua: una perspectiva europea
This page was last updated on: Saturday, Mar 29, 2025.